Obverse Design
The central device is a large white shield. The shield has a red horse head
on a black base, which looks somewhat like the Knight piece in Chess.
To the right of the horse head is a yellow lightning bolt. Across the top
of the shield and extending beyond the shield to either side is a curved
legend which says "RED HORSE" in black letters. There is a red border on
the shield above and below the letters.
To the left of the shield it says "1965" in red letters. To the right of the
shield it says "2000" in red letters. Curving along the bottom edge of the
medal in red letters is the motto "CAN DO WILL DO". The background of the
coin is textured and silver in color. The medal has a raised braided edge.
This type of rim is known as a "Twist Diamond cut edge."
Reverse Design
The reverse side of the medal bears a large map of the world. The continents
are colored white and the sea and background of the medal is blue. Horizontally
across the top of the medal and the map is the legend "35 YEARS" in red letters.
Curving along the bottom edge of the medal is the legend "HAVE DONE" in red letters.
Scattered around the map in silver letters are the names and dates of operations
in which the RED HORSE program has played a part. At the top center it says
"Kosovo" and "99". Next along the top it says "Grenada" and "84", "Panama" and "89"
and "Bosnia" and "95".
In the middle to the left it says "Vietnam" and "65-74". To the right it says
"Gulf War" and "90-91". Near the bottom going across it says "Somalia" and "93",
"Disaster" and "Relief" and "Haiti" and "94".
The medal has a raised braided edge. This type of rim is known as a "Twist Diamond cut edge."
Unknown metal.
Size and Shape
Round, 50 mm in diameter.
Dates Issued
Air Force Red Horse program.
Plowman Collection.
None known.
Historical Note
RED HORSE is an acronym for Rapid Engineer Deployable -- Heavy Operational Repair
Squadron Engineer. RED HORSE is an Air Force program started in 1965. The
RED HORSE objective is to provide a combat ready engineering force for immediate
world wide deployment, which can perform heavy repairs and upgrade airfields and
facilities, and support weapon systems deployed to a theater of operations.
The challenge coin commemorates the role of the RED HORSE program in various
wars and operations between 1965 and 2000. I have been unable to identify which
unit was the RED HORSE unit or units in Panama in 1989.