Other Items of Panama

Otros Artículos de Panamá

There are other items which are neither coins, medals, tokens or bills but they are similar and appeal to Panama collectors as well.

Badges refers to police and fire department badges for the Canal Zone and police, fire and military badges for Panama. Panama's police force and military force for many years were one and the same. Panama's current consitution does not allow the formation of a military force, and instead there is only a national police force.
Metal Checks refers to small numbered pieces of metal issued as employee identification checks, tool checks, dog licenses, hunting permits or other. The Isthmian Canal Commission (ICC), the Panama Canal, the Panama Railroad and other enterprises issued identification metal checks and various other metal checks. They are sometimes referred to as brass checks, since most were made of brass. They usually are the size of a silver Balboa or smaller and have a hole or loop to make them easy to attach.
Chits refers to Military and Commissary Chits of the Canal Zone. These were small cardboard rectangles that acted as money substitutes at the Canal Zone commissaries, cat military messes (cafeterias), clubhouses and Post Exchanges (general stores). These chits usually came in booklet form, with booklet containing $5.00, $10.00 or $15.00 of coupons. Each chit in a booklet has the same serial number. They resemble older style theatre or carnival tickets.
Wooden Nickels are inexpensive circles of wood about the size of a half dollar (or medio Balboa). The obverse usually has an indian bust or perhaps a buffalo. The reverse is generally used for advertisement for a business or club, etc. The background is usually left the natural wood color, but the design and legends may be printed in one of several colors such as black, blue, red or brown.