Scale: 8 pixels equals one millimeter
Obverse Design
The legend "BARROWS PANAMA" curves along the top.
The token says "COFFEE" and "LANDS" in two lines horizontally across the bottom
half of the token.
Above "COFFEE" is an ornament that looks like an elaborate "&".
On either side of the word "LANDS" is a dash.
Under the word "LANDS" is an elaborate branch ornament.
The token has a somewhat weak dentured edge, and a smooth raised rim.
Reverse Design
The center of the token has a large "10 ¢". The legend "GOOD FOR"
curves along the top. The legend "IN TRADE" curves along the bottom.
On either side of the token, dividing the top legend from the bottom
legend, are small five-point stars.
The token has a weak dentured edge, and a smooth raised rim.
Size and Shape
Round, 28.5 mm in diameter.
Dates Issued
Barrows Panama Coffee Lands.
Conte Porras page 103 & 104 (photo), Henkle's Unknown Panama Locality #6 (rubbing),
Mizrachi's F-60 (photo),
Rulau mentions denomination in note of Pan 1, Plumer page #1.
None known.
Plantation token.
Population Count
Known specimens are as follows:
- ANS Collection Specimen, referenced by Henkle.
- Ayala Specimen, pictured below.
- Banco Nacional de Panama specimen pictured in Conte Porras.
- Henkle references one sale in January 1987 for $15 in condition EF as #2ALZ.
- Henkle references another sale in January 1987 for $12.50 in condition EF as #3ALZ.
- King Specimen, pictured above.
- Mizrachi Specimen, pictured in his catalog.
- Plumer Specimen, cited in his catalog.
The Barrows Coffee Lands were most likely located in Chiriqui, in the mountaneous
area near Boquete. This area is the only area in Panama known for having good
conditions for growing coffee.
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of
small minds." If so, the designer/manufacturer of the BARROWS series had a
large mind. The inconsistencies in this series include the five cent piece
has "IN MERCHANDISE" instead of "IN TRADE" like the rest of the series. The
50 cent piece does not have the cent sign or the star dividers that the rest
of the series has. The 2 1/2 cent piece has a different ornament under the
word "LANDS" than the others. The font-type, especially that of the large numerals,
varies from denomination to denomination. These inconsistencies suggest that
these tokens were made "on the cheap", perhaps by an inexperienced manufacturer.
Another Example of PT45-10
Scale: 6 pixels equals one millimeter
Note: The example above has been damaged by three partially drilled holes.